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Botanical Name : Solanum indicum Linn

Family :  Solanaceae     

Introduction :

Brhat Trayi mostly described it along with Kantakãri. Hence the name Brhati dravya.

Names in different Indian languages :

Hindi : Barhanta,birhatta

Telugu : Cittimulaga,tellamulaka,kakamunci

Tamil : Karimulli,puttiriccuntai, Mullamkatti, Papparamulli

English : Poison berry

Marathi : Dorali

Gujarati : subhiringani;Bengali,Rambegun

Kanada : Ramgula,vanavrntaki

Malayalam : Puttiriccunta,cerucunta,ceruvalutina

Sanskrit : Brhati, simhi

Synonyms :

Kshudrabhantaaki, Kateri, Duspradharsini, Mahati, Vãrtãki, Simhi, Hinguli,Solanum anguivi Lam.

Classification according to Charaka, Susrutha & Vagbhata :

Charaka : Kanthya, Hikkanigrahana, sothahara, Angamardaprasamana

Susrutha : Brhatyãdi, Laghu pancamula

Vagbhata : Brhatyãdi

Varieties & adulterants – (CV – controversy, AD – adulterants) :

1. sveta Brhati – S. torvum

 2. Simhi,

3. Kantakãri,

4. Nidigdhika,

5. Valli Brhati,

6. Vrtra Brhati,

7. Alãmbu phala Brhati,

8. Amla Brhati,

9. Jala Brhati

 10. Sthüla Brhati.

11. S. Insanum

12. S. Torvum

13. S. Ferox

14. S. Aungvii

 15. S: trilobatum

16. S. Melongena

17. S. Insanum

18. S. Helicantum

19. S. Torvum

Morphology :

Herbaceous,  stout, about  2 m high, prickly and densely wooly.

Leaves— simple, large,o vate with short triangular lobes, villous above, stellately fulvous-woolly beneath.

Flowers— in dense racemes, wooly, with needle-like hairs; shortly, funnel-shaped, lobes -ovate-triangular; corolla white-blue, oblong, acute.

Fruits— berries, yellow when ripe.

Seeds— smooth, many.

Flowers and fruits during April-July.

Distribution & Habitat :

Found in the tropical parts of India.

Chemical constituents :

Solanine, Carotene, Carpesterol, Solanocarpone, diosogenin, beta-sitosterol, lanosterol, solasonine, solarnargine, solasodine, vit. C etc.

Properties :

Rasa -Katu, Tikta

Guna -Laghu, Rüksa

Virya -Usna

Vipãka -Katu

Karma :

Kapha-vata hara. Sukra, recaka, kasaghna,rasayana

carminative, expectorant, Digestive,  diuretic, laxative,

Indication :

svãsa, Hrdroga, Sula, Jvara, Chardi, Kustha, Kandü, Krmi.pruritus, colic, skin disease, fever, vomiting, antibacterial, cough, asthma

Part used :

Root, fruit.

Dosage :

Powder3-5.g; decoction 50-100 ml.

External uses :

Fumigation with this mixture also helps. Powdered seeds are applied on the genitalia in impotency. In unconsciousness, the powder of the seeds is administered Nasally

Internal uses :

Digestive system : It is ushna virya. deepana, pachana, astringent and anthelmintic. It is therefore used in indigestion, colic, anorexia and worm infestation. In vomiting, juice of the fruits + cow’s ghee+ honey is given.

Circulatory system : Since it is a cardiac tonic, blood purifier and diuretic, it is used in cardiac failure. oedema and blood disorders.

Respiratory system : It reduces cough and asthma. It is an excellent remedy for rhinitis, cough, asthma, soar throat and hiccups.

Urinary system Since it is a diuretic. its used in dysuria and calculi.

Reproductive system Its seeds have oxytocic and aphrodisiac properties. It is useful in ammenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea and puerperal disorders. Seeds also promote virility.

Temperature: Febrifuge. Hence it is used in fever caused by vata and kapha.

Important Yogas  or  Formulations :

Brhatyadi kwath, Bnihatyadi gana, Dashamoolarishta. Brhatyadi Kasaya, Pippalyãdi  leha.

Therapeutic Uses :

(1) Grahani— Brhati is taken with butter milk (S.O.S. 2/5/28).

(2) Khãlitya— Fresh juice of Brhati fruit is mixed with honey and used for local application (V.M. & G.N.).

(3) Prajãsthãpana— sveta Brhati root juice is given as Nasya (V. S.).