Sharir Kriya (Physiology)
Shareer kriya is the speciality of Ayurveda which deals with study of normal functioning of body,mind and senses.This department deals with Ayurved kriya shareer as well as modern physiology. Normal and Abnormal functions of Dosha,Dhatu and Mala in human body which helps in critical understanding of diseases process and insight to diseases management and prevention.This department deals with the basic concepts,knowledge and applicability of tridosha (Vata, Pitta and Kapha), Sapta Dhatus (Tissue),Malas (Excretory waste),Prakriti (Concept of Genetics), Mana (Mind, Cognition, Memory etc), Nidra (Physiology Sleep), Oja (Physiology of Immunity) the etiopathogenesis of diseases cannot be expained unless Dosha –Dhatu- Mala is assessed subjectively and objectively.
- Creating a diverse and stimulating intellectual environment that ensures a transformational impact in learning , innovating and discovering new knowledge from ancient concepts thus serving the humanity.
- To enable the students to become leading Ayurvedic professionals.
- To analyze and record the fundamental parameters related to physiology like Deha prakriti, Dhatu sara and Mala prakriti in a healthy individual.
- Acquire reasonably good skills in written and practical physiology.